Jericho is an American action/drama series that centers on the residents of the fictional town of Jericho, Kansas, in the aftermath of nuclear attacks on 23 major cities in the contiguous United States. Produced by CBS Paramount Network Television, with executive producers Jon Turteltaub, Stephen Chbosky, and Carol Barbee, the show was broadcast in more than 30 countries.
The storyline centers on the residents of Jericho, a small, rural Kansas town, in the aftermath of nuclear attacks on 23 major cities in the United States. The series begins with a visible nuclear detonation of unknown origin in nearby Denver, Colorado, and a loss of power and modern communications, effectively isolating Jericho. Later, power is restored to Jericho by what is alluded to as the efforts of the U.S. government; but, soon after, an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) disables all electronics. Several themes regularly addressed in the show included the gathering of information, community identity, public order, limited resources, the value of family, hardships of fatherhood, and internal and external threats. The show also features several mysteries involving the backgrounds of major characters, the perpetrators of the attack, and the extent of damage to the United States and its government.
The pivotal character in this story is Jake Green, the 32-year-old son of Mayor Johnston Green. Jake Green fled the town of Jericho five years earlier when he became mixed up with the wrong people and was involved in questionable activity. Jake briefly returns home to claim his inheritance before being stranded by the catastrophe. After a somewhat awkward return home and a tense reunion with his father, Jake steps up to become a leader in Jericho, fighting to protect the town and its citizens. As the people of Jericho struggle to survive in a changed world, most remain unaware that one of the newest residents, Robert Hawkins, knows a lot more about the attacks than he is letting on.
This show is good timekiller for me and I enjoy in it.
I really couldn't get into this, I tried though.
ReplyDeleteI might have to check this one out thanks.
ReplyDeleteour city had the power knocked out for 2 days by a bad snowstorm. we'd be screwed without power for much longer than that! lol
ReplyDeleteAn overwhelming dose of awesome can be found in my 4th electro set! Check it
Electric Addict Set #4
Some friends I have loved this when it was out and were really disappointed it was over so quickly. I never did see it.