Thursday, March 17, 2011


The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Its purpose is to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance purposes (such as missile detection). The HAARP program operates a major Arctic facility, known as the HAARP Research Station, on an Air Force owned site near Gakona, Alaska.

Disaster as ordered:

What is the future of nuclear technology now, it has in the past few years strongly gained on 'popularity' mostly because of support by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and U.S. Barack Obama.

In the United States was planned to build 30 nuclear power plants. In China are being built or is planning to build about 100.  It is planned to build a large number of power plants in South America too. All over the world its planed maybe even thousand. For years, people were systematically frightened by the dangers of global warming. It is a conflict between the oil lobby and the nuclear lobby. These are the two most economical sources of energy. The nuclear lobby is frightening people of danger of global warming and the oil lobby doing the same thing with the danger of radioactivity. The last time we talk about nuclear energy as clean, and it was exaggeration. On the other hand, I believe that the range of estimates of global warming also were exaggerated.

This should be viewed within the economic and geopolitical interests, to reduce dependence on oil and the countries that export oil. The public is in an awkward situation because now both of these great economical sources of energy have a mortgage. Fossil fuels have a mortgage of global warming, and now Japan has put great mortgage to nuclear energy. As if someone has ordered it to stop offensive nuclear lobby. I do not believe in conspiracy theories, no one can cause an earthquake and tsunami, but the truth is that the disaster came as ordered for the oil lobby, because it's now completely changed the energy policy.

Or someone can cause earthquake? Which has tsunami as its result. 

It's an old saying that technology is just a tool, its all up to us how we would like to use it. Weather modification and HAARP are proper examples where we can use the technology to manipulate or alter to prevent hurricanes or tornadoes, from occurring; or causing beneficial weather, such as rainfall in an area experiencing drought; or of provoking damaging weather against an enemy or rival, as a tactic of military or economic warfare.

Hugo Chavez:

Down below is Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura HAARP episode: (its worth watching)

Enjoy :)


  1. Hugo is a nutt job.

    And I have never watched that conspiracy show before.

  2. well this is certainly important information to be educated on. i will watch some of these vids later on. thanks

  3. Very interesting and informative post. You're right about the quake and nuclear power. The building of all our plants will be put on hold. The oil companies will probably get the go ahead soon for more drilling. On the second part of your post; it may sound strange, but mind control isn't that far off. You probably won't have people be like robots, but like the guy said in the last video; "You can control moods." All you would have do do for example is make people very depressed. Then they might kill themselves. I don't believe all the conspiracy theories, but it is a very interesting subject. Keep us thinking.

  4. Indeed very interesting. I didn't watch all the videos as I don't have much time right now, but I will later on in the day. Also, watching Hugo Chavez is fun to me.

  5. A lot of people like to blow off this kinda of stuff, but there is some pretty compelling info out there and not all of it seems all that crazy or impossible anymore. The HAARP thing scares the crap out of me personally. Humans need to stop messing with shit that they can't control or contain if things go wrong.

  6. What else can we use though, nuclear has it's problems but unless we develop anti-matter really soon.

  7. That's wway more crazy propaganda than I'll willingly sit through. HARP is pretty much harmless.

  8. Interesting show, may have to look for some old episodes. The HAARP seems scary, but I don't think it'll cause any harm for the time being.

  9. God Hugo has a face that makes want to punch him.

  10. Conspiracy theorists make me wanna tear my hair out. Seriously.

  11. HAARP is just a cold war listening outpost and way to communicate with submarines.

  12. That video of massive haarp activity isn't really a good point, it's just a still with red lines, we don't know what haarps usual levels of activity are, that could be someone starting the coffee machine or activating a nuclear bomb.

  13. that happens after every earthquake. I think it can be true, if it is true, it is the best tactic ever. crushing enemies without even getting in a war

  14. If you ignore all the bits about HAARP and just analyze who benefits from situations like the Hati Earthquake (aka the people building casinos, hotels, resorts in Hati) and are making money hand over fist, then it seems like something is fishy.

    Rahm Emanuel said "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

  15. I have always considered conspiracy theorists to be nutjobs but this actually seems quite interesting.


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